ROBONIKA Association
Robonika was founded in 2004 as a non-profit organization, later in 2015 transformed to Association (in accordance to the newly adopted Civil Code - Act 89/2012Sb.). Its goal is dissemination of knowledge and culture especially among young people, mainly in the area of theoretical and practical research and exploatation of robotics. To achieve this goal, Robonika organizes meeetings, contests, lectures, workshops, presentations, and other educational and cultural events. Besides that, Robonika supports its members to take part in similar events organized by third parties. To help to reach its goals, Robonika tries to establish contact with other organizations or individuals with similar orientation:
In 2005, Robonika cooperated with Planete Sciences (France) on a project supported by "Fondation de France" as Project No. 17/2005 “Coupe Tcheque de robotique” which helped to organize the Czech Cup of international autonomous robot contest.
In 2006, Robonika cooperated with VM Group (France), Planete Sciences (France), PASS (Belgium), and University of Catania (Italy) on a project supported by European Union grant under FP6 programme no. 30282 "Eurobot: robotic educational events to promote a dissemination of science and technology among young people in Europe." Thanks to support of Czech companies, Robonika can continue to work even after (succesfull) closure of the mentioned programmes.
From 2004 to 2011 Robonika cooperated with intertnational Association Eurobot and organized the Czech National Cup of Eurobot competitions.
In 2013, Robonika joined forces with colleagues from Lodz University of Technology (Poland), Robotika.SK (Slovakia) and Brest University of Technology (Belarus) in the “Visegrad Robotics Workshop“ project, supported as Standard Grant No. 21220294 of the International Visegrad Fund: Visegrad Robotics Workshop.
The main public activity is since 2004 the Czech Robotic Day, which is coorganized by Robonika and Charles University as an international meeting of people interested in robotics - see the website
From 2004 to 2011, Robonika was also the main organizer of Czech National Cup of Eurobot (
Since 2016, we co-organize together with MFF UK and Hobbyrobot the Arduino Day in the Czech Republic (or Genuino in times when Arduino brand name was uncertain...).
Official documents: here.
If you want to contact us, please do so by email sent to: info <@> .